Man at Desk Smiling

Is it Time For a Website Refresh?

Stale website content can be a detriment to your business. That’s why you want to make regular updates and refreshes to your content, from landing pages to blogs and everything in between. If you let your content stagnate, it can turn off visitors who may assume you approach your business in the same way: lack …

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Woman on Phone with Yellow Orange Background

Why You Need Social Media Marketing as a Business Owner

Having a social media presence when you own a business isn’t an option any longer. New or established, large or small, social media should be an integral part of your digital marketing strategy. Social platforms offer so many benefits. Now only do they give you a way to conduct meaningful connections with customers, they help …

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Man Using Laptop

Your Guide to Keyword Research

Understanding what your audience is searching for, when they want it, is of paramount importance. Strategically peppering your content with targeted and well-researched keywords is the best way to go about this. It’s a delicate balance, though, as keyword stuffing could get you penalized by Google. On the other hand, not incorporating enough keywords won’t …

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Woman holding phone up close for 5 star reviews

Local SEO: Get Higher Quality Reviews

As a business owner, you’re likely concerned with the online reputation of your company. Reviews have a lot to do with that. If you haven’t paid much attention to your reviews or your existing ones are so-so, you may wonder how you can better meet and exceed your customers’ expectations so you can finally earn …

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Human Hand and Robot Hand Writing Content

AI Generated Content vs. Human Written Content for SEO

Artificial intelligence has been a part of the internet since its inception. You have probably used AI in many ways without realizing it. However, AI-generated content has become extremely advanced in recent years – to the point that some people think it may replace the need for human content writers. Are these concerns valid? Is …

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Man Looking At Note Pad at Computer

The Components of a Great Blog Post

No one ever said it was easy to keep up with blog post writing for your website. In fact, it can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when you’re busy with other important things such as growing your business and being profitable. However, there’s no denying that staying relevant and adding fresh, …

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People Using Post-It Notes On Paper

How Does Reputation Management Define Your Brand?

Your online reputation needs to be grown, nurtured, and cultivated in order to define your brand. It doesn’t just happen overnight. Building trust is the cornerstone of your business, and the only way to get that is to make reputation management a central part of your digital marketing strategy. From online review management to social …

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Woman Sitting With Laptop and Search Bar

Don’t Let Orphan Webpages Ruin Your Search Ranking

From a site owner’s perspective, orphan pages are “out of sight, out of mind.” But for the search engine crawling your website, those pages could be an easy reason to dock your ranking. In this guide, we’ll explore what orphan webpages are, how they affect search engine optimization, and how to fix them on your …

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Woman Looking at Laptop

Boost Organic Traffic With These SEO Trends for 2023

SEO is one of the most important strategies you can employ for your website. Search engine optimization efforts benefit both the user’s search experience and your website ranking because it features content that fulfills the user’s search needs. It’s an organic way for your website to rank rather than through paid search, or PPC. Let’s …

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Keyboard Closeup with Website Maintenance on Spacebar

Website Repair Techniques for Google Penalties

Google penalties can drastically hurt a site’s search ranking. Google promotes sites that offer valuable information and a positive user experience. If your site does not align with those standards, Google may remove it from search results altogether. These proven website repair techniques for Google penalties will help get your website back in good standing. …

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