No one ever said it was easy to keep up with blog post writing for your website. In fact, it can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when you’re busy with other important things such as growing your business and being profitable. However, there’s no denying that staying relevant and adding fresh, informative content to your website impacts your visibility and bottom line.
Good content is just as important as all that other stuff (SEO, email marketing, design, etc.) In order to connect with your readers and draw them in, you need to create a routine for crafting the perfect blog. Often times, hiring a writer to do this for you is a good idea. Many digital marketing agencies have in-house or freelance writers that handle all the content behind the scenes.
Here are some of the hallmarks of an effective blog post.
1. Start With an Attention-Grabbing Headline
Good titles are descriptive, interesting, and engaging, and should be structured to read like a TV newsflash or magazine headline. Because your headline accounts for 50 percent of the effectiveness of the post, you can’t afford to cut corners here. Boring headlines won’t entice your readers to go beyond.
2. Continue With a Captivating Lead Paragraph
Now that you have led off with a captivating headline, you have to keep the momentum going with the first paragraph. Don’t bore your readers with a ho-hum intro: make them want to read more. Most people don’t have a very long attention span (maybe seven seconds if you’re lucky), so you need to grab them right away in the first sentence.
3. Offer Interesting Supporting Points
Use this space wisely to back up your main topic, argument or point. You can start off with a radical idea or innovative thought, but if you can’t back it up with evidence, you may lose people.
Craft a brief outline first, then go back to fill it out so you know you’ve hit all the main points. Break up dense text with bullets, headers and sub-headers, and images.
4. Include a Call-to-Action
Leave your readers with a challenge of some kind. Social Media Today recommends that you pose a simple question to spark a new conversation or receive feedback on your post. It should inspire them to pick up the phone, leave a comment, or click to buy. If they have read till the end of your post, you can assume they’re interested in knowing more. Don’t leave them hanging.
Contact Detroit Internet Marketing
Here at Detroit Internet Marketing, we know the importance of good content writing, from landing pages to blogs. Trust us to offer the whole package, from excellent writing to stellar design. Get your free quote and consultation at (248) 234-4830.