page 1

How Long Will It Take To Reach Page 1 In Google?

We hear this question all the time: “How long will it take to get to the first page in Google?” If we had an easy answer for that, we’d work a lot less and earn a lot more. Sadly, there is no universal timeframe for reaching Page 1 Google rankings. Even seasoned SEO companies have …

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What To Do After Your Content Goes Viral

So your web content finally went viral. Congrats! Now what? If you’re like most people, you will fall into one of two traps: Ride On the High Horse As Long As Possible And Fizzle Like A One Hit Wonder Try Desperately To Duplicate Your Content Virality And Look Like A One Trick Pony One hit, …

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online reputation

Using SEO To Improve Your Online Reputation

Have a bad reputation online that you don’t know how to fix? Reputation management strategies can help reduce the effects of negative reviews and bad press about your business. What most people don’t realize is that search engine optimization plays a key role in reputation management – and it could be the difference between success …

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seo keywords

Turn Boring SEO Keywords Into Eye-Catching Content

Feel like your business is too boring for blog posts? You are not alone. Sometimes it’s hard to incorporate lead-generating SEO keywords into share-worthy content because the words themselves are bland and unappealing. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do to make the most of a not-so-easy situation. Check out these tips to turn …

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seo optimized headlines

How To Write SEO Optimized Headings

Headings and subheadings are important navigation tools for website content. They allow visitors to quickly sift through a long page of information to find what they’re really looking for. With this in mind, your headings could also play a key role in the search engine optimization for your website. By using the right words in …

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baby boomers

SEO Tips By Generation – Baby Boomers Generation

Baby Boomers represent the oldest generation in our SEO guide. These individuals did not grow up in a world of computers and smartphones, but they have learned to adapt to it over time. If your business is best suited for an older audience, these tips will help you adjust your SEO strategies to suit their …

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How Old Is Your Audience?

One of the fundamentals of any successful marketing strategy is understanding who your customers are and finding creative ways to connect with them.  This information will impact everything from target keywords to web design and more. A good SEO company will spend a great deal of time conducting an audience analysis before they start putting …

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website slider

Top 5 Features To Include In A Website Slider

Most modern web designs include a website slider on the home page to highlight specific pages or promotions on a site. This will consist of 3-5 images (on average) that link to services, blog posts, news stories, and more. If you have a homepage slideshow, you may be a little lost as to what to …

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HTTPS encryption

Google Wants You To Switch From HTTP To HTTPS Encryption – Here’s Why

Last August, Google hinted at changes to their search engine algorithm through a post on their Webmaster Central Blog. In the article, Google Webmaster Trends Analysts Zineb Ait Bahajji and Gary Illyes suggested that websites switch from HTTP to HTTPS encryption to better secure their sites and protect their visitors from fraud. More importantly, the …

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