What To Do After Your Content Goes Viral


So your web content finally went viral. Congrats! Now what?

If you’re like most people, you will fall into one of two traps:

  • Ride On the High Horse As Long As Possible And Fizzle Like A One Hit Wonder
  • Try Desperately To Duplicate Your Content Virality And Look Like A One Trick Pony

One hit, one trick, one triumph…it’s not enough. Having viral content is the ultimate goal for every SEO company, but the achievement means nothing if you don’t capitalize on it. What are you going to do to make the most of this opportunity and utilize it in your long-term SEO strategies? Let’s go over what to do after your content goes viral so you can change your plans accordingly.

What Made Your Content Share-Worthy?

Something about your content made people want to share it on social media sites, in emails, on the phone, and maybe even on the news. What was it? A catchy title? A funny image? A heartwarming story? Try to figure out what your audience was drawn to so you can get a feel for what may work in the future.

What Made Your Other Content Less Share-Worthy?

You can’t just identify the successes in your share-worthy content. You also need to assess your failures and flaws in previous marketing efforts. What could you have done to other articles and webpages to make them more appealing? How do your older posts differ from the viral content? Acknowledge where you have room for improvement so you can create better work in the future.

Engage With Your New Audience

Virality provides an amazing opportunity to connect with a completely new audience. Use this as a chance to build relationships with your visitors and hopefully convert them into sales. Lead generation is great, but it’s useless if it doesn’t turn into lead conversion. Reach out to readers in the comment section of your website or on social media to keep them interested in your business.

Use Your Viral Content As Inspiration, Not A Template

Don’t try to replicate the results of your virality. It’s not going to work, and it’s going to come across as forced marketing. To put the focus back on ethical SEO practices, you can use your viral content as inspiration for new content in the future. For instance, if people loved your blog post titled “DIY Distressing Techniques That Add Decades To Your Dining Room,” you might write an article about decorating a room with refurbished metal and wood, “Rustic Design On A Time With Refurbished Wood And Metal.” You’re still reaching out to the same audience, but you’re not writing about “How To Distress A Bed Frame.” Make the most of your newfound fame, and you’ll be able to expand your business after you go viral.