Simple And Proven Ways To Boost Your Search Engine Ranking: Part 1

search engine ranking

In the first part of this guide, we answered the age old question of “How long will it take to reach Page 1 in Google?” Now we will explore some simple, proven ways to boost your search engine ranking so you can speed up the process of first page positioning. Of course, there are no “guaranteed” SEO strategies because of the number of factors that influence your search engine ranking, but there are steps you can take to maximize your chances of getting to the top. Give these a try and see what they do for your website…

Put Out Good Content 

If you do absolutely anything to boost your search engine ranking, this is it! Search engines reward good content, no matter what it is in reference to. That is because the ultimate goal of a search engine is to connect readers with the information they’re looking for. If you have high-quality content that responds to the search term at hand, Google, Bing, and Yahoo! will put you at the front of the list.

Signs Of Good Web Content

  • No Grammar Mistakes, Typos, Or Spelling Errors
  • Strong Keyword Densities Without Keyword Stuffing
  • Authority Building Through Links To Other High-Quality Resources Online
  • Thorough Information That Is Easy To Follow
  • Lack Of Repetition (Content that says the same thing over and over will not rank as well)
  • Bold Keywords, Strategic Headings, And Other Tools Used To Navigate A Reader Through The Page
  • Unique Information – NO PLAGIARISM!

If you do not want to write content on your own or you are worried about upholding Google’s high-quality standards, you can always hire an SEO copywriter to do the work for you. This person will know how to incorporate your keywords in a natural way and how to write content your audience will appreciate.

Use Latent Semantic Indexing 

We harped on LSI in part 1 of this guide, but we need to mention it again here. LSI involves using similar keywords on a page to help boost the ranking for your target keyword. For instance, if the keyword for a page is “plumber Los Angeles,” your LSI would consist of phrases like “LA plumbers” and “plumbing company in Los Angeles.” Google will use these similar words to calculate the keyword density for your target keyword, so you can have high-ranking content without keyword stuffing. This process should come to you naturally in your writing.

Continue to Part 2