To ensure that your website content is 100% unique, you may want to run a plagiarism check on anything that comes in. This is something we do with all of the blog posts and webpages we create at Detroit Internet Marketing, just to make sure we haven’t inadvertently copied someone else’s ideas. It is possible to plagiarize someone’s work without actually intending to do so, which is why we are adamant about checking everything we post on a website. If you are working with a copywriting service or just creating content on your own, you might as well make sure it is completely original.
Here are some quick tips explaining how to check for plagiarism online.
Use A Plagiarism Checker
This is the easiest and most obvious way to verify a piece of content is original. You can either use a paid plagiarism checker like Copyscape or a free plagiarism checker like PlagTracker. We use Copyscape to check our content because we found that it offered the most thorough plagiarism detection in our testing. Free checkers missed some of the subtle sentences that Copyscape caught, so we choose to pay for slightly better results. It only costs about $.05 to run a plagiarism check, so you won’t be out much money to ensure you have unique content. The cost is well worth the results.
Run It Through Google
Google can act as a secondary plagiarism checker for your content, and in many cases, it will actually show results that free and paid plagiarism checkers won’t catch. The problem is that Google can only handle 32 words at a time, so you will have to run one or two sentences through at a time. When we do this, we select a couple sentences from different sections of the article. If they check out with Google and pass our initial run through Copyscape, they’re good to go.
Use A Duplicate Checker
There are two different types of duplicate checkers online. Some “duplicate checker” programs are simply plagiarism checkers running under a different name. Others, like Dupe Free Pro, compare one article with another to determine if they have any similar or directly copied content. If you have multiple webpages with the same type of content on them, you may want to compare the content with a duplicate checker to make sure each page is unique. A good example of this would be when you have the same service page for different cities in your area, like “plumbing Detroit” and “Plumbing Troy, MI.”
Verify the uniqueness of your website content before you put it on the web, and you’ll protect your reputation and search engine ranking for years to come.