How to Reduce CPC in Google Ads

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Worried about the cost of Google ads? Feel like you’re spending too much on pay-per-click advertising? It may be time to adjust your digital marketing strategies. Read on to learn how to reduce CPC in Google ads.


Cost per click (CPC) is the most commonly referenced advertising model, but it is not the only option. At Detroit Internet Marketing, we focus on cost per lead (CPL) or cost per acquisition (CPA). CPC takes into account the general traffic an ad receives, but CPA and CPL account for conversion data. Instead of looking at the cost to get someone to your website, we optimize the cost to acquire a paying client.

Proven Ways to Reduce Google Ads Costs

Whether you’re worried about CPC, CPL, CPA, or any other Google Ads costs, you can lower your expenses with the right approach. Here are some proven strategies to save you money:

  • Use Smart Bidding. This process utilizes advanced machine learning to automate bidding strategies in real time. Smart Bidding makes informed decisions based on a variety of flexible parameter, and it’s faster and better converting than manual bidding.
  • Increase quality score. Quality score refers to the overall relevancy of the ad. Does it go to a landing page that fulfills the user’s needs? Are there coordinating keywords from start to finish? Does the landing page load quickly, and is the content well written? Improving these factors can lower ad costs.
  • Optimize based on conversions. While many PPC agencies focus on clicks and impressions, we look at leads and conversions. Clicks account for any traffic coming to the site, but conversions account for sales, phone calls and paying customers. Would you rather have 10 people window shopping or 3 people making actual purchases? CPA drops as conversion rates improve.
  • Explore different keywords. If the market for a particular keyword is saturated, you’ll pay more to get your brand out there. Look toward long-tail keywords or variations of common search terms. Target surrounding cities and untapped markets. This can help you find campaigns with low CPAs.
  • Change the landing page. If a landing page is outdated, empty, or not fully relevant to an ad, it’s time for an upgrade. This will boost your quality score and improve your conversion rate. Sometimes all it takes is a little experimenting to propel the success of an ad campaign.

The simple practice of creating quality, keyword-enriched content goes a long way in keeping ad costs down. PPC ads and on-site content should seamlessly coordinate to create a smooth path from search to solution.

How Core Web Vitals Lower CPA

Google now includes Core Web Vitals in search engine ranking. Core Web Vitals refer to how quickly a page loads and becomes stable. This may seem unrelated to PPC at first glance, but it has a direct impact on quality score. If the landing page for an ad loads slowly or inconsistently, the quality score goes down. This increases CPC and CPA, and it may deter leads from converting to clients.

Detroit Internet Marketing has proven digital marketing strategies for Core Web Vitals. We’ve optimized our web designs, content writing, SEO and PPC campaigns to align with the new ranking factor. Our marketers remain up-to-date with the latest Google algorithm changes, and we make continual modifications to fit today’s standards.

Detroit Internet Marketing Is a Google Partner – Advanced Bidding Strategies and Data-Driven PPC

Detroit Internet Marketing is a Google Partner, which gives us access to exclusive performance reports, advanced Google Ads technology, upcoming bidding opportunities (get ad space before your competition!), new ad placements, and much more. Google Partners must complete rigorous training and certification programs, and they must maintain high spending and optimization scores.

Our highly-experienced Google Ads managers understand how to optimize expenses for maximum return. We use the data we collect to pinpoint the best time for ad placements and the best keywords for engagement. You can establish a direct line between your business and your target audience, all while lowering your CPA.

If you’d like to speak with a Google Ads Authorized Consultation, contact Detroit Internet Marketing: (248) 234-4830.