Conversion rates are crucial components in data driven digital marketing in Michigan, especially when it comes to AdWords and other pay-per-click advertisements. Over the years, conversion rate optimization (CRO) has become just as important as search engine optimization (SEO). The goal is to maximize conversion rates so your leads turn into sales, making the appropriate advertising adjustments along the way. Let’s explore some of the factors that influence conversion rates in Michigan and how those factors impact your digital marketing campaigns.
Days Of The Week
Time is one of the biggest factors in CRO. To get an accurate measurement for an ad’s conversion rate, you need to monitor it for at least a week. Some people will look at 3-4 days of data and make conclusions based on those days. This doesn’t take into account fluctuations in demand during the weekend or middle of the week. You need a full spectrum to determine how well an ad is performing before you get rid of it.
Time Of Day
Most people will not run an ad 24 hours a day. Instead, they will pick the times that they get the highest conversion rates because those will give them the biggest bang for their buck. With our data driven PPC advertising campaigns, we make sure that every ad is run during a high converting time of day. Which timeframe generates the most phone calls or sales? Which time leads to the highest volume of traffic? These are the questions we ask when putting together a digital marketing plan in Michigan.
Seasonal Demand Changes
Some industries experience high demands during certain times of the year. For instance, a company that sells patio furniture and outdoor cooking equipment will have a high demand during the summer months. This is another factor to keep in mind with pay per click advertising in Michigan. If you know that you’re in a high demand season, you will need to monitor the ads for a longer stretch of time before measuring its conversion rate. At the very least, keep in mind that the current conversion rates may change when the demand fluctuates. You can adjust your digital marketing strategy accordingly.
What The Conversion Rate Is Actually Measuring
A conversion rate is supposed to show how “successful” a page is, but that success will vary based on the goal for the page. Some pages are designed to generate purchases, while others are meant to gather subscribers or future customers. For your CRO campaign to work, you need to understand what types of conversions you’re measuring and how they impact your content as a whole.
The True Starting Point
Google recently updated its Attribution platform, which ties in with AdWords and Analytics. Attribution analyzes data from these resources to give advertisers even more insight into their campaigns. With the latest update, Google took the focus away from last-click impact to figure out where visitors and customers are actually coming from. If a customer clicked on an ad a month ago and clicked on another ad today that generated a sale, advertisers can see the entire journey with Attribution. With the old model, the only statistics available would be for that last-click purchase.
Changing Ads Too Quickly
We’ve seen this countless times over. Someone tries to adjust PPC ads too quickly, and they end up losing out on a good opportunity. Just because an ad isn’t performing well right this moment doesn’t mean it won’t perform well overall. You must allow enough time to measure the true conversion rate so you can make the appropriate adjustments from there. The digital marketing team here at Detroit Internet Marketing in Michigan would be more than happy to assist you. Give us a call to learn more about conversion rate optimization and PPC advertising in Michigan.