Whether you’re aware of it or not, if you have a company and you’re conducting business with customers, you’re already building your brand. Creating a reputation and brand for yourself or your company doesn’t start when you’re ready; it starts when your business is open.
This is why it is critically important to stay in control of your voice and brand, in order to make sure someone else isn’t calling the shots about your reputation. The impressions of your customers should be built on the foundation you’ve created, and not just from what they’ve heard about you.
What does a brand stand for?
When we talk about brands, there is more to it than just ‘your company.’ A brand encompasses many aspects of business, including:
- Morals and Values
- Mission Statement
- Target Audience
- Distinguishing Traits
- Products and Services Offered
- Logo and Visual Impressions
Want to learn how to make sure your brand is capturing all of these elements? Let’s go over a few key items to make your brand not only stands out, but be the chosen business time and time again!
- Bring friendly customer service to every interaction: How your customer is being treated and feels about your company is critical. Many customers end up choosing the company that they feel handles their service and issues better, over a company that may be less expensive.
- Always look like the best: This includes a clean and updated website, and visual aids that are relevant to your company and message. When adding color to your marketing and online reputation aids, make sure you chose a consistent palette that compliments the feel of your company.
- Produce good content: If you’re moving into the social media realm, you’ll need to continuously produce interesting and quality content for people to stay interested. Don’t have a blog? What are you waiting for?! Companies that keep up a blog, have articles posted about them, and showcase original content, will generate more leads.
- Show off your emotions: Customers tend to purchase and stay with a brand based off their gut emotions. If you’re the ‘cool’ or the ‘eco conscious’ company, make sure you own up to it. Find a way to personally connect with your customers, and you’ll stand out in their minds.
- Give them more than what they asked for: Keep things interesting in your company by under promising and over delivering. Loyalty stems from getting even more out of your experience than you imagined. Don’t offer a point system for your company with every purchase? Now is the time to start!
- Allow room for feedback: Let your customers speak their minds. Allow them to express what they love and hate about your company, in order for proper growth. After all, without them, you wouldn’t be in business.