A lot of business owners assume that they need a journalist to write for their websites. They may even go as far as posting job listings for people with journalism degrees. While there is some merit to this, the fact is that there is a big difference between writing for print and writing for the web. You need someone who understands how to write for the internet. Let’s take a look at the difference between an online copywriter and a journalist so you can decide hich one you really need.
Copywriters Write For People And Search Engines
Perhaps the biggest difference between an online writer and a print writer is the way they word their articles. Online copywriters are going to structure their articles to show up well in search engines. Journalists are going to focus on topics that will grab people’s attention. While there is some element of “attention grabbing” in online writing, the majority of written content on the web is written for internet marketing purposes. Some journalists simply do not understand this concept.
Online Writing Is Not Always Heavily Researched
This makes it sound like online copywriters just make up all of the information they write, which is not the case. However, most content on the web is not heavily researched. To write this article, I did not have to go looking for an article comparing copywriters and journalists. I just wrote about what I know from personal experience. A lot of writers in this profession do the same thing.
Good Copywriters Online Understand The Coding Behind Their Articles
You’ll notice that the most talented copywriters on the internet often have a background in computer programming. This could be as minimal as understanding HTML, but it is something that they use to enhance their writing skills. Most journalists simply turn over their work for someone else to bring to life, while online copywriters must format their pieces to be visually appealing and readable at the same time. It takes a bit of a tech head to write online.
Which One Do You Need?
You can mold a journalist to become a copywriter or you could hire someone with a lot of experience. In the end, it truly does not matter. We simply want you to note that there are merits in hiring someone who writes online but does not have a journalism background. Don’t rule out the people who could help your business succeed.