In Part 1 of our Google business listings guide, we talked about the importance of having a good cover photo and good description for your Google Places page. In this section of the guide, we’re going to focus on the value of customer reviews and how they could improve your business profile. Here are some more ways to spruce up your Google Places listing.
Get At Least 5 Reviews From Actual Customers
Five is the magic number for Google business reviews because that is what you need to get stars listed next to your company name. If you get good reviews from all five people, you will have a quick way to show other customers that you’re worthy of a visit. Talk to some of your former clients and see if any of them would be willing to create a review for you online. You could also promote your Google Places page on your website, business cards, emails, etc. so people are more likely to go there and leave you feedback.
Encourage Reviewers To Put Photos On Their Profiles
Future customers are more likely to trust reviews if they come from profiles with photographs. This makes it seem more like the reviews are coming from an actual person, not someone that got paid to write good reviews. If your customers have good things to say about you, drop them a line and see if they are willing to upload a photo on their Google Plus profile. Of course, if they decline due to privacy maintenance, you can still benefit from the great words they put online about your company.
Reply To Reviews On Your Google Places Page, No Matter What
Replying to reviews on your Google Places listing will show people that you are active online, and that you care about your business. Try to respond to as many reviews as possible, regardless of what they say. For good reviews, tell the people how much you appreciate their business and enjoy working with them. For bad reviews, apologize for the negative experiences and explain what you’re doing to prevent similar issues in the future. Conduct yourself in a professional manner, and you’ll quickly gain people’s trust online.