7 Tips For an SEO-Friendly Blog Post

Laptop and Paper While Typing

Not just anyone can write blogs. It takes skill, not just in crafting the written word and fact checking, but in being mindful of the SEO aspect of things. SEO works behind the scenes to ensure you’re reaching the right people at the right time, engaging with your core audience and increasing your rankings.

SEO isn’t just about adding keywords here and there. There’s such a thing as too much. Stuffing your content with stiff-sounding keywords will not only damage the readability of your text but raise a red flag with Google and actually negatively impact your rankings. The key is to balance your blogs with copy that is both SEO-friendly and readable. Having an SEO expert in Metro Detroit handling this for you is a wise move.

1.  Perform Keyword Research

Before you put pen to paper, you need to research the keywords that your readers are searching for. These will guide your topics and help you shape your content for the most impact possible. 

Next, think about the message you want to impart with your piece. What do you want readers to know? What is the main question you’re looking to answer? What action do you want readers to take when they are done reading your blog?

2.     Create a Structure

Creating a clear structure to your piece is important. It should contain the following elements: 

  • An introduction
  • The body (main message)
  • Conclusion
  • Call to action (CTA)

3.  Utilize Paragraphs and Headings

You may know how to use paragraphs in the most basic sense, but are you using them well? A typical paragraph should have a few concise sentences, not too short and definitely not too long. Breaking up the text with headings and bullets will also serve to make your content more readable. Your ultimate goal is for people to actually read the whole blog. But it’s human nature to scan, so make sure you’re breaking up your content into manageable chunks.

4.  Use Related Keywords

No one wants to read a blog that’s stuffed with keywords. It’s not enjoyable, and it hurts your rankings. Google wants you to put out content that users love, but when you pepper in your focus keyword every few sentences, it can get clunky and disjointed. Instead of using the same keyword over and over, try synonyms and other related keywords throughout the copy. In the end, you want the copy to flow well and not seem like it was written by a robot.

5.  Go Long

Google favors long blogs, so you’ll want to keep your blogs between 1,500 and 2,500 words. This gives you a chance to cover topics in depth, impart valuable information, and optimize the content for SEO.

6.  Link to Existing Content

If you know you have written on a similar topic in the past, link to it in the new blog. This is known as internal linking and it’s an important part of SEO in Michigan.

7.  Add Regular Content

Relevancy is important. Add new blog posts to your site on a regular basis so Google knows you’re still alive. Inactive sites are not crawled as often by Google, which can negatively affect your rankings. That doesn’t mean you should just post drivel. The content still needs to be meaningful, relevant, informative, and well written.

Call Detroit Internet Marketing For a Free Quote and Consultation

Here at Detroit Internet Marketing, we are experts at both SEO and copywriting, blending the two into website content and blogs that can boost your visibility and instill trust in your readers. To learn more about our SEO and copywriting services in Metro Detroit, schedule an appointment with us today at (248) 234-4830.